..........I guess the best place to start this post is by sharing one of my greatest fears. I have always had the fear of getting cancer and dieing. I don't know why that is like my worst fear but it has always been that way since I can remember.
While I was growing up my brother, any time he had a bump, scrap, scar anything he would point to it and dramatically say "It's Cancer" and start freaking out. He still does it today, it's become a really funny thing in my family were if anyone has anything wrong 'oh it must be cancer'. We don't seriously mean it but we just say it - thanks to my brother it's just something that is there.
On my mission one of my companions ended up having breast cancer while on her mission. I was so scared. She was not only my companion but had turned into my best friend. I can't exactly explain how I felt but It was not a pleasant feeling. The one thing I remember thinking was -- we are being so obedient, working so hard, how can this be happening? It wasn't even me but I was mad. Mad that this would happen to my best friend how could it. Everything turned out ok and she continued to serve a full and faithful mission.
At the beginning of this year I fell down some stairs. For most of you who know me, you are probably thinking that this is a perfectly normal thing to be happening to me. I fall up stairs, down stairs, down hills, walk into walls, and doors, and I trip almost everywhere. (Well I used to -- I haven't been as clumsy since my mission, I think I truly learned to walk while on my mission but it took a good month or so). Anyways I fell down this flight of stairs while I was babysitting and I really hurt myself. So much so that I considered going to see a doctor - that didn't last long as you will also know because I just hate doctors. I don't know why I just do and hospital are terrifying to me. So it was a quick and fleeting thought. So instead I went to a Chiropractor.
This Chiropractor took tons of x-rays and made sure I hadn't torn anything. The part of me that hurt the most are my right hip and left arm. He took extra care to take more x-rays of these two parts just to be sure. No broken bones, YEAH!!!!!
We ended up finding a black spot on my left arm near my elbow. It was about the size of tack. We sent the x-rays to a specialist who came back and asked that some more x-rays and test be taken. For those of you who don't know Black spots on bones are really Really REALLY bad. They are usually cancer and not a good thing to have. Not only was a pocked and pricked and tested but I was scared to death. My Chiropractor was there through the whole thing kind of acting like my Brother making me laugh and telling me oh it's probably cancer no big deal and saying it will hurt today but tomorrow it will be better. He really is a great guy....during the time my test were with the specialist I have had physical therapy three times a week trying to get things working and better.
Then the day finally came to meet with the specialist. A little short man with graying hair came in, and said ok well you're great. That was it, I was shocked and a bit taken back. What? 'The spot on your bone is actually tissue'. I had broken that same part of my bone twice before and apparently had chipped away some of the bone now there was some soft tissue there, which 'Naturally' would show up black on a x-ray because it's not bone.
I was so happy I could have cried. Ok so I did get a bit emotional but I didn't cry. I felt so blessed, there are no words to tell you how blessed I felt. I was standing on my metro the next day and saw this sign saying that in May there was going to be a walk here in D.C. for a cure for cancer. I had seen it a few times on the metro I mean I'm on it twice a day for 40 minutes of course I had seen it, read it, and ignored it. But on this particular day. My heart full of gratitude for being cancer free I read it, felt it in my heart, and made up my mind to do something about it. Long story short, MAY 4 I will be walking 26 miles for a cure.
I know this is getting really long but I do need to add just one more part to this story. I asked my family to keep me in their prayers as this was going on and especially on the day I went to see the specialist. I have never felt so much peace walking into a room knowing that the information could be really bad. It wasn't but it could of been - there are many who go into those rooms and who's lives are changed forever because they do have cancer. It made really appreciate those who are survivors and those who are struggling at this time with cancer. What great faith they must have. I hope that they all have family who are praying for them like mine did for me.
Take the time to day to say a little prayer for those who may be suffering at this time with cancer. If you know someone who had cancer take the time to call them and tell them you love them and believe in them.
Yours Truly,
so many thoughts! yikes, being the first. Then, beautifully written. Then, thank heavens everything is okay. lastly, I love you.