I just love General Conference. I love being spiritually fed by the Spirit and hearing the words of the Lord through his servants. The sessions were wonderful today. Here are some of the notes I took. I can't wait for the Conference issue of the ensign to come out so I can study more in depth each talk. Hope you enjoy.
Yours Turly
Saturday - Morning Session
Song: Redeemer of Israel
Song: In hymns of Praise
- Humbly bow before our Kind for ever more
- Exsalt the name of the Lord with load acclaim
President Thomas S. Monson
- Two new temples were announced 1. Rio de Jenero, Brazil and 2. Ceder City Utah
- 65,634 full-time missionaries are out serving. 20,000 more have mission calls, and 6,000 are working on getting their papers in. How amazing the work of the Lord is
- 58 new missions.....Please NOTE he said new mission, that's plus the however many we already had out there.
- Contribute to the General Missionary funds of the Church. I believe every return Missionary should be contributing to this fund.
Song: Hark all Ye Nations
- Truth is restored once more
- Chosen by God (we are chosen to do the work of the Lord)
- The gospel lights every land today (Every Land)
President Boyd K. Paker
- When I was young I wasn't 68
- We are meant to age because with it comes an understanding of the truth
- We have no greater friend then the Savior (He is our friend)
- We need to protect our homes and families
- We find safety in living up to our covenants
- If ye are prepared ye need not fear
- Faith is a real power, not just an expression
- You will do no greater work then that in your own home
- Teach your families about the Holy Ghost & the Atonement
- Everyone is accountable for their own sins
- All are born with the light of Christ. How we use that light is part of the test of mortality
- We need to be prepared and ready for revelation (once again I got the call to go to the temple)
- Learn to receive and act on inspiration and revelation (I want to do better at this because I know there are thing I probably miss and lives I could have helped but I was to busy doing other things)
- I KNOW he lives (President Paker Knows that the Lord lives he left no doubt of that)
Brother Dean M. Davies
- Be built on a firm foundation
- The foundation we should build on is Jesus Christ
- Temples are built to sustain anything that comes against them -- we should be build that way
- The plan of salvation and Principles of the gospel are what are used and needed to help us build the structure of our life
- We must have a balance in our life. We can't just do one thing (read our scriptures) but not the other (pray)
- Through prayer we submit to the will of the Lord
- Prayer should become like breathing to us
- Prayer needs to be sincere and personal
- Worthily partake of the sacrament each week
- The Holy Ghost brings all things to our remembrance (Jesus Christ)
- Scripture reading should be unto us like food (substance for our spiritual bodies)
- Real personal growth comes from daily prayer, scripture study and partaking of the sacrament weekly
Sister Elaine S. Dalton (who got released today - how sad)
- we are daughters of an exalted King
- Know who you are and build the kingdom
- Stand in Holy Places and be not moved
- My part does matter
- Our part matters because we matter
- We are daughters of our Heavenly Father and He loves us
- Be educated so you can be a contributor (I'm going to get more schooling -- I want to get my Event Planning Certificate and maybe work on a degree in Human Resources)
- It is the mothers who directly influence their children
- Stand as witnesses of God in all times and in all things and in all places
- How you honor the priesthood, will be an example to others
- Return to Virtue!
- We are making a difference because we are different
- Be proud to be a women
- Let the priesthood bless your life
- Act well your part
Song: Let Us All Press On
- Hold the sword of truth
- The Lord is on our side
- If we do whats right we have no need to fear
Brother Craig A. Cardon
- 'Thy sins are forgiven thee' ..... 'I say unto you arise and walk'
- The Son of God forgives sins
- upon earth not just at the final judgement
- The Lord loves us and wants us to understand that He forgives
- The lord does not limit forgiveness to the degree of the sin
- The Savior wants to forgive
- The Lord forgives those who confess and repent
- The Lord allows for continual progression
- By his strength (the Lords) we can do what we couldn't do before
- People can change (I think this is a great concept, one I need to work on understanding and accepting)
- See men not as they are but what they can become
- I will be merciful unto your weakness
- Pray always so that we do not fall into temptation
- Holy, Holy is the Lord....Repent and live.
- Remember and believe the words of the Lord
Elder M. Russell Ballard
- The Power of the Priesthood is how the Heavens and earth were created
- The Priesthood is how the Savior works
- The Power of the Priesthood only comes when we are worthy of it
- The man cannot fully exercise the Priesthood without the women
- The Power of the Priesthood is to succor the needy, strengthen the feeble knees, lift the head of those that hang
- Water and Light are needed to grow (The tomato plant)
- The purpose of the priesthood is to bless, sanctify, and purify us
- No matter our circumstances we can partake of the Priesthood
- Watch the leadership training videos
- If any man thirst let him come unto me
- Turn more fully to the Savior
- The work of Jesus Christ is accomplished through the Priesthood
Song: Faith (from the Primary Song book)
- Faith is trusting God above
President Henry B. Eyring
- Draw near unto me and I shall draw near unto you
- In our service to the Lord, he will draw close to us 'or' As we serve the lord we come closer to him
- I will encircle you in the arms of my love
- Keeping the commandments brings us closer to the Lord
- Why seek ye the living among the dead
- The Savior walked with them
- Did not our hearts burn within us as he spoke
- Repentance and remission should be taught to all
- Stand as a witness of God in all things, in all times, and in all places
- We are under covenant to lift those in need and stand as witnesses of the Savior
- I will go before you and will be on your right and on your left and my angles will bear you up (one of my favorite scriptures -- helped get me through a lot on my mission)
- As we serve, the Lord will bless us
- As we serve the Lord, he will draw closer to us and our families
- Satan's purpose is to destroy our families
- The Savior will draw close to you and bless you as you reach out to love and serve others
- Our works shall follow us
- Come unto me
Song: My Redeemer Lives
Saturday - Afternoon Session
Song: Jesus the very Thought of Thee
Song: Did you think to Pray
- When life is hard the best thing to do is pray
Elder Richard G. Scott
- The Lord, Jesus Christ should be the center of our homes
- Center your home and life on Jesus Christ
- Make sure every decision you make is what the Lord would have you do
- Have daily personal and family prayer, scripture study, and FHE once a week
- Apply gospel principles, don't skip on the little things
- Satan's fate is already decided and he want to bring us with him
- Stay on the Lords side and you will win every time
- Don't waste your time on your technology devises
- Just having them in your pocket will not protect you
- Selfishness is the root of great evil
- Do not hide your talents, share them freely
- When we serve others we are given strength and power from God
- Be a true friend
- Trust in the Lord and his timing (always a very hard things to do)
- acknowledge gods will in all things
- set our burdens at the feet of the Savior - (I can't handle it all on my own, but the Lord says come and I will lift you.)
- Always build on others virtues and talents
- Strive to live worthy and put your trust in the Lord
- Son step at a time will help us become more like the Savior
- The Atonement of Jesus Christ is the source of peace
Elder Quentin L. Cook
- The stakes of Zion are a refuge to the saints
- Agency is essential to the plan of happiness
- Peace comes by excepting the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ
- He that doeth righteousness will receive peace
- The Lords peace will build or heal our broken hearts, ease our burdens, and blot out our hate
- Peace is found in focusing on the gospel of Jesus Christ
- Those who reject God, do not/will not have peace
- To believe in God is to know all the rules will be fair
- 'Where can I turn for Peace' - the answer is to the Savior
- Temples are a refuge for peace (once again I had the call to go to the temple)
- In the world ye will have tribulations, but fear not for I have overcome the world
Song: Rejoice the Lord is King
Brother Stanley G. Ellis
- The 70 are called to be messengers
- If you don't plant you don't harvest
- Do you want me to speak directly or with sugar
- We believe in God the eternal Father and in His Son Jesus Christ and in the Holy Ghost
- We are not alone
- If we do things the Lords way we will be blessed
- The Lord seeth not as man seeth, he sees the heart (that is such a blessing and comfort)
- Truly the Lord knows best
- Teach a man to fish, don't just give him fish
- Bloom where you are planted
- What happens in the home is more important then outside
- Ask where can I serve
- The Lord knows best how to help us
- Do all we do in the Lords way
Brother John B. Dickson
- Have great interest in knowing the Lord Jesus Christ
- The gospel is available to all
Elder David A Bednar
- We are all created in the image of God
- There are lessons we must learn and things we must experience in the flesh
- The Man and Women are meant to learn and grow from each other and with each other
- The Spirit is willing but the flesh is weak
- The natural man can be put off only through the Atonement of Jesus Christ
- Sin is a spiritual wound -- healing comes from the Savior
Elder Russell M. Nelson
- Now is your time to teach others
- Cathc the Waive!!!
- Be ready to give an answer to why you live the way you do
- Contribute tot eh General Mission Fund
- Through Gods eternal plan families can be together forever
- The living God is a loving God
- The Book or Mormon is in full harmony with the Bible
Song: More Holiness Give Me
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