Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Day 1


It was interesting today as I relearned something about prayer. I learned that the Lord sometimes just likes to hear from us. Yes just to acknowledge that he is there and to talk with him.
I always love talking with my Dad. No matter what I have going on in life or how stressed I am, after talking with my Dad I feel great. Well I found that the same works while talking to my Heavenly Father. I had known this but had somehow forgotten. So as I said my prayers today and just talked with Heavenly Father - told him how I was feeling, what was going on, what I was afraid to do that day, and what I was excited about....I had that same feeling of GREATNESS that I get after talking with my Dad. It wasn't anything important that I said. I wasn't praying for something I needed or anything else I just went to talk with my Heavenly Father. It was a wonderful experience and I would recommend it to everyone.

I use the time in the morning on the Metro to read my Scriptures. I am reading the Book of Mormon and am currently in 3 Nephi. The Lord has just appeared to the Nephites. I am loving it. I really like it because everyone is super quite and leaves you alone. I have a paperback copy of the Book of Mormon and a yellow highlighter and that is it. And I just read for the 30 to 45 minutes I'm on metro in the morning. It starts my day out right and I am spiritual fed.
Well this morning as I was standing at my transfer point to get on a Blue line train - reading my Book of Mormon minding my own business. This women started to watch me, more then I liked. It wasn't even inconspicuous. She turned her whole body at me and just looked at me. Me feeling a bit awkward and knowing for a fact that I did not know her tried to dig deeper into what I was reading. Finally I though she is never going to stop, just ask her what she wants. I looked up at her and went to ask my question when she said "so what book are you in?". Taken back for a second I said, "3 Nephi, Christ is just appearing to the people of Nephi.". The conversation went from there. She is a member of the church and just didn't know how to ask if I was as well or if I was investigating since it was a soft cover Book of Mormon and my book mark is a pass along card.
Anyways it was fun to meet another member of the Church while on the metro. She has just been called to be the assistant girls camp director. I think that is one of the coolest callings ever. You get to plan cool fun activities, hang out with a bunch of silly girls, and party the entire time. How cool is that. The world really is becoming smaller every day.

One of the sweetest thing happened today. I am walking 26 miles on May 4th with the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer. Each walker is supposed to raise $1800 before then in order to put towards helping women with Breast Cancer and finding a cure. Well I'm at $500 and have been finding it really hard to get any type of donation. So this sweet thing, one of my friends put together this facebook post and sent it to everyone she knew. It stated that I would be walking and was working on raising $1800 for this walk and asked them to support me and make a donation. I got all emotional when I saw it because she had taken the time and effort to put something together that would help me. How sweet was that.

Everyone keeps saying that the snow is coming and that we won't have work tomorrow. I feel like they say that every time and then the snow never comes and I still get to go to work. Even if we don't have to go in tomorrow I will still have to work from home because this is the busiest time of the entire year and I have so much to do.

My flowers from my Birthday are dying. They used to feel my entire apartment with their aroma but know they just sit their and wilt. I think I am going to add a biweekly flower allowance to my budget.

So -- if you have gotten this far you might be thinking wow this is not like Jenessa's usual post, it's all over the place and really random. I don't write in a journal. I have a really hard time just sitting down and doing it and when I do sit down to do it I feel like I have to write everything and start from where I left off. I type a whole lot faster then I write and I only write the thing I think are somewhat important. So I'm going to try writing entries like this along with my other posts. My reasoning is because as I am reading the Book of Mormon I realized that the only reason we have it or any other piece of scripture is because someone sat down and wrote it. I also was commanded my an apostle of the Lord to write a journal or keep a history so here it is.

Yours Truly,


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