Friday, March 8, 2013

Day 4


I heard one of the most beautiful sounds tonight. The best words to describe it was like 'hearing the angles of heaven'. So I was at the Kennedy Center tonight and went to a Choir performance by the Danish girls Choir. They were amazing. It's the best thing I've seen so far at the Kennedy Center and it really sound awesome.
I am so grateful for people who share their musical abilities with others. I will admit that my harp has sat ideal for a while know and I haven't touched a piano in over a month. The most musically inclined I get these days is singing aloud in my apartment. I have been blessed with great musical talents and I need to start working on them and using them again or I am going to loose them.

I received a letter from a Missionary that I had written or have been writing. --------- ok so I don't know what I really wanted to say to this or how to lead in to it so here it just is. In the Scriptures we hear a lot of the Lord taking care of the one. One of my favorite verses in scriptures come from 3 Nephi when the Lord lets the people come one by one and feel the nail prints in his hands and feet. What that must have been like, having the Savior look at your in the eyes read your very soul. To know that he KNEW you, knew who you were, know your fears, your joys, your deepest desires. I can only imagine.
The one - it makes me think harder on how often I take the time just for the one. To stop and help the one person who may need it most. Sometimes I find myself going well how can I help the sisters, or how can I help the ward, how can I help my coworkers. When I should be going, how can I help Karen today. Or how can ease Tammy's burden. What can I do for Tom because he is sick.
If you are reading this - (the three of you who actually view my blog) stop and think of someone you know who may need some extra help. Now make a goal that today, you are going to help 'them' not their family or the class they are in but them specifically. It could be something as small as texting them (though this is a nice thing it may be impersonal) but what ever it is that you can give. Give it to that one person. Let them know that you care. That you are there. That you know them.

I was in a suite today and realized as I sat in a meeting at work that my office even though we come dressed nicely it is more business casual then it is business dress. I felt like I was higher on the food chain then I really am. I guess it goes to prove that if you dress the part you eventually become the part. Something like that.

What is it that I really want in life?

Yours Truly,


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