Saturday, August 4, 2012

USA Olympians


In the spirit of the Olympics I wanted to dedicate this post. I have not been able to watch any of the Olympics this year. NOT A ONE! Which is actually really sad. The last time I watch was when I was eight and I remember watching the opening ceremony and just thinking it was the coolest thing since sliced bread and for a kid that was pretty cool.
This time I have gotten all of my knowing from the newspaper I pick up every morning on my way to work. It's really cool to look and see the front page is of how the USA has one another medial. It's been way fun. And we are making history as the US team. The first African American to win a gold medial come on that is cool. Micheal Phelps is up to 19 gold medals. Oh do you want to hear some weird trivia I hear. People who win gold medals have to pay $43,000.00 in takes. Isn't that sick ---- NOTE that number could be a little high or low but it was something like that and I was just shocked.

Ok well anyways here are some of my favorite photos from the stories I have been reading about the Olympics. Hope you enjoy. I know I did and hope to be able to actually watch them on YouTube in the near future.

NOTE: These are from the paper I read so the pictures are not that great but they are just so you get my point to have much I am loving that we still have newspapers so that I can actually keep a bit up to date with what is going on.

I love this part of the summer Olympics

His 19th medal can you believe that - I can't. This article also said that Phelps hadn't really been training or working hard and he was just relying on what he already had....well just think if he had been training hard what it would have looked like.

This always scared me because look she isn't touching anything and he is going to land that on her hands. I would miss the post completely and fall flat on my face.

Sorry the pictures are a bit glared.....but I mean think of the arm muscles you have to have in order to do that

YEAH I just one a Gold medal now I have to pay tons and tons of taxes. Probably not what he's thinking or what I would be thinking in that moment. I heard this was a REALLY great swim and that a record was broken

This picture didn't want to come in the right way so it's kind of weird looking sorry :)

First African American to win a Gold Medal -- and she's from Virginia YEAH!!! I did watch her interview the day after and she is so cute and her mother was just so proud of her. It was really sweet.

Yours Truly,

Jenessa Jensen

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

What is Inner Strength?


I received a card today and the question on this cards was 'What is Inner Strength?'

The card went on to say something like this:

"We may not know we have it
till we're well into the race,
Or feel we're nearly overwhelmed
by challenges we face -
But then we look much deeper for the power to succeed,
And find we have an inner strength
that meets our greatest need."
  • By Emily Matthews

It was a very lovely card and the inside was very sweet in wishing me luck and so forth. The greatest part of the card was that my Dad had picked it out and sent it to me in conjunction with me getting my new job. My Dad is the greatest and he is so thoughtful. I know every holiday he will send a card and when i was called as a Relief Society President there were two cards sent for that. Easter came with card and so did graduation......ANYWAYS my Dad is just great. But that is a totally different post for a different day. I want to talk about this inner strength.

I was sitting in my weight watchers meeting today and the Lady said that we had to find the strength to have believe we could loose the weight. I stood there and dug really deep to find the strength to say yes and to believe it.

I learned that inner strength is the courage to say yes. The courage to do what is right when everyone else is doing something different. Its the ability to believe in others and yourself. Today I got to taste a little of what that inner strength feels like and let me tell you it taste wonderful. To be able to stand up tall and say 'I CAN DO THIS, I WILL DO THIS' and not only say it but BELIEVE IT. It was kind of funny that I had to receive a lecture and a card in order to learn this and to actually say I do have inner strength and I am going to use it.

I know this was probably a more random post (note saying that all my post aren't random but this one probably more out of the ordinary) but I hope that one piece of information will stand out to you and you will say man that helped me. Maybe it is well if Jenessa can do it I can defiantly do it, or I should send card more often, or maybe it was the seed of courage planted in you that reads 'I can do this' and you can.
What ever it was don't push the thought away.....take it and do something with it and I promise you it will benefit your life.

Yours Truly,
