Sunday, May 19, 2013

What I learned in Houston


Once again I was in Texas at another conference. I love Texas. I don't know what it is about the state that draws me to it. It could be how everywhere you go there is an American flag up. Or it could be that the people are so friendly, Or that everywhere you go you are bound to see someone in Uniform. Whatever it is I love it.

This trip was a little different then most of my trips....for multiple reasons. With that said I ended up learning a lot of things. So let me share just some of those things that I learned with you. These may be helpful to you, but the real point of me writing them is so that I remember what I learned while I was down there.

Things I learned down in Houston:
  • I learned that in order to get a golf ball to go further than a foot in front of you, you must put a lot of thrust into your swing. This caused your arm to hurt after the event because you have been working it really hard. (it's like lifting weights at the gym)

  • I learned that I can't golf. I was at the driving rang...which for those of you who don't know what that is, don't worry I didn't either. It's where you go to hit golf balls just out into this open field. You stand at the top and hit all your balls out into this field just to hit them pretty much. I didn't see the purpose in it but those who do it take it very seriously.

  • I learned that renting a car is REALLY expensive. I also learned that when you return the car you must have a full tank of gas in it. I also learned that they hold extra money back on your card just in case you don't return the car.

  • I learned that while driving in Texas you should always have cash on you. This is because Texas likes to suck the money out of you while you drive. Also they don't take credit and if you come the the booth without cash you get a ticket of sorts and they take a picture of your car and then send you a bill. How silly -- even when the sign above the booth says full service you would think that, that would include credit cards as well - It doesn't!

  • I learned that sometimes what you think you want isn't what you really want. This one was really hard for me to learn. I thought I wanted something really bad. I was willing to fight for it and do everything I could to get it. When I got it, or started to get it......I realized that it wasn't actually what I wanted. I liked the idea of it but actually having it wasn't really what I wanted. If any of you have seen the 'Finder' you might find this concept familiar. The main character can find anything - you want it found you go to him. He always says that he'll find what you want but you are going to find other things that you might not like or want. Also he has this way of knowing that what they want him to find isn't really what they want. It's a great show but it ended terribly so if you start to watch it just be forewarned.

  • I learned that I need to be more social. I sat with someone and we discussed how life was going. We both did about the same things but as I listened to them I realized how unsocial they were....I then had to turn it right back on me as my life was pretty much the same. SOOOO I have to be more social and put myself out there more. I'll let you know how this one goes as it's really going to be a challenge for me as I live alone and work a lot and am going to have to find time to really be social and go out and do things. I'm excited about this but also a bit scared because it's an unknown to me.

  • I learned that I truly did love my Mission. My Mission was amazing and I can't image what my life would be like had I not gone. I also realized that when I find that Mr. Right - I want him to LOVE his mission as much as I loved mine. I know it sounds a bit unrealistic but I know people who loved their missions as much as I did and I know others who didn't love it as much and there is definitely a difference between the two.

  • I learned that if someone starts drinking at 3 in the afternoon that by 7 they could be completely wasted. I hate that people drink. It's really bad for your body and your mind. And you miss out on a lot of opportunities to maybe do something fun or have an intelligent conversation with someone else. It is just a pet peeve of mine and as i don't drink I think it might bug me more because I'm like lets go out and do something go bowling, walking, play board games, whatever it is and others are like no I'm our I've had to much to drink already so I need to go home ---- THE END ---- sorry a bit of a tangent there didn't mean to get all over that topic. I just once again learned that drinking makes you weird and unfriendly and harms your body. So glad I don't drink and never will.

  • I learned that if you are in a room full of guys and you are wearing a red skirt and black top that you will get everyone attention. I got called the lady in red all night long.

  • I learned that you should let people fall in love with you for you, instead of trying to be someone else in order to get someone to like you. Be true to you. Those who like you will love you longer and harder those who don't, well they are missing out and you are so much better then them.

  • I learned that being asked out for drinks isn't necessarily a date. It's like Mormons saying let go play Frisbee or volleyball. Not a date, just hanging out and I just need more people to make it fun.

  • I learned - and this one I made a bit separate as it's a really great lesson and I will really need to work on it. I learned that you need to give others the chance to learn and grow. You need to give them the change to fail and succeed. One of my coworkers taught me this as she was over pushing herself and not enjoying the moment because 'well it won't get done right if I'm not doing it'. What a sad thing to say or to even think. Yes I might do it the best and I might be able to accomplish it faster than others, but they will never learn if you don't let them do it and learn it. Teach along the way but don't hinder growth by doing it all yourself and just pushing others off to the side. ----- I am finding myself on both sides of the fence here. One in being the one who isn't able to learn and grow because someone else things well I am just going to do everything right now because well our committee isn't complete and I have been here longer and know more people so I can help them better. (So very frustrating) Yet I also found that I was the one who was saying instead of taking the time to teach and do I was doing it myself and just sending it because it was easier. How sad.....So I will be working on this - please be patience with me as it might take me a bit longer to get it right.

Ok so there are probably a few more things I learned while in Houston but those are the ones that have stuck with me more then the others. It's interesting how if you take the time to learn something or think about it long enough you can be taught.

Yours Truly,


Tuesday, April 16, 2013

The Challenge Coin - April 16, 2013


I had an amazing event happen to me today. I was honored with a challenge coin; also known as a military coin. It was given to me by our luncheon speaker. As always in introductions she asked where I was from. I responded that I was a military child so I was from all over. She asked about my family and where they were located now. She told me that yesterday was purpleup day which was to honor and support the children of those who serve. The next thing I knew she was shaking my hand and providing this great gift.

So let me tell you a bit out the Challenge Coin and why it's something worth writing about. To be given a challenge coin from a person or an organization is an honor. The gift is a token of appreciation from the giver. It is a symbol of going above and beyond the call of duty. This tradition dates back to World War I.

Yours Truly,


Sunday, April 7, 2013

General Conference - Sunday April 7, 2013


I just love conference!!!!

Sunday Morning Session

Song: Go Forth with Faith
Song: Let Zion in Her Beauty Rise
  • Lord prepare my heart to stand on Zions Mount
  • just as side note - the choir was in pink and gray and they looked amazing

President Dieter F. Uchtdorf
  • God promises the hope of his light
  • The Lord lights the darkness that surrounds us
  • The gospel brings joy, hope, and light into our lives
  • Accept that darkness exists but that you don't need to dwell in it
  • With Gods help we can be healed
  • Be a defender of the weak, and tired
  • Faith, Hope, and Charity will transform our lives
  • Gods light is real and it is available to all
  • The Spirit of Jesus Christ brings us light
  • It takes an act of faith to step into the light (trust me this is so true, and its worth the step)
  • Three Steps of how to Receive the light of Christ in our lives
    • Start where you are
      • you don't have to be perfect to receive the light of Christ
      • The light always comes
    • Turn your heart towards the Lord
      • Pour out your heart to the Lord
    • Walking in the Light
      • Rise up and become the person you were meant to be
  • Through serving others around us we then receive the light of Christ
  • "I am the light of the world" - those who follow the Savior will not be in darkness
  • Have the light of Christ radiate from you (This is one of my biggest goals. I want people to see the light. To say man she just glows what is that)
  • Smile - this helps show the light to others
  • Singing praises to the Lord brings the light of Christ into our lives
  • Our living hope is in Jesus Christ
  • With Christ darkness cannot stand
  • Seek the Lord through study and prayers
  • Participate actively in the Church (a call to be more involved in the Church)
  • There is no darkness at all in the Savior

Song: Come Follow Me

Elder Neal L. Andersen
  • Go ye therefore and preach the gospel to the world
  • Signs and miracles follow the faith of the Saints
  • Miracles will accompany us as we preach the gospel (I saw this all the time on my mission)
  • The stone cut without hands is rolling over the whole world
  • No force in the entire world can stop the work of God
  • Now is the time to paint a missionary tag on your heart
  • RM's (that's me) get your missionary tags and have them somewhere you can see it and remember what it means and how you can do it today
  • We need the Lords help in sharing the gospel -- be on your knees
  • Be ready to answer the question to what the hope is that we have
  • Add to peoples faith in Christ
  • Hold up your light in Christ for others to see
  • Come and See --- come and see how I live, and who I am
  • Invite people to come back and see and feel
  • As you invite others to come and see you will feel the approval of the Lord (wow what a great promise)
  • Use the Internet more to share the gospel (A call to action)
  • Keep the full time missionaries in your thoughts and prayers - trust he missionaries, the Lord does
  • You can share the gospel of Jesus Christ
  • To be a true disciple we MUST open our mouths

Sister Rosemary M. Wixon (with the Primary)
  • Love being a child
  • The greatest influence we can have is on a child
  • Children come to the earth ready to listen
  • To speak to a child's heart we must first know what they need
  • Disconnect from technology and reconnect
  • I love everything about you (when did you last say this to somebody)
  • With only 20 words what would you say (the story of the father in a war camp...and what he said)
    • NOTE to self --- get those 20 words and hang them in the house because they were very powerful

Song: Guide us oh Thou Great Jehovah
  • Feed us (the Holy Ghost) till the Savior comes

Brother L. Whitney Clayton
  • Watch and Learn (all about marriage)
  • We can learn so much by watching and pondering
  • No other relationship out of marriage brings the greatest joy
  • Make your marriage priceless
  • Make your mutual quest to be obedience
  • Strengthening our faith, strengthens our marriage
  • Happy marriages rely on repentance
  • Humility is the essence of repentance
  • No one can change someone else but we can have a mighty change of heart for ourselves
  • Put the other first in every decision
  • Treat each other as equal partners
  • Make decisions unanimously
  • Retire to bed together as a couple
  • Work together side by side in the home
  • Make all decisions about finances together
  • Live together in love
  • Cleave, it means to be completely devoted
  • Marriage (your marriage) is your first priority
  • Seek after the desire of Marriage
  • Be completely faithful and you will have a happy marriage
  • (He also mentioned that those who are not yet married or have not had the opportunity to marry or things like that will be blessed and all the blessings will be given to us if we remain faithful)

Elder L. Tom Perry

  • Obedience to law is liberty
  • Next to life itself, agency is the greatest gift from God
  • None of us should ever underestimate Satan's power and desire
  • Sin will always be sin
  • Gods promises, commandments, and laws do not change
  • We must not pick and choose which commandments we think are important
  • be a beacon to the whole earth

Song: Where Love Is
  • We get love as we bring love
  • The Lord guides us with his love in all we do

President Thomas S. Monson
  • Truth is knowledge of things that were, are, and will be
  • We receive truth as we keep Gods commandments
  • Obedience is our unfailing guide
  • Life would be simple if we learned to be exactly obedient
  • To obey is better then to sacrifice
  • The Lord wants a willing heart and mind
  • Obedience is essential to our salvation
  • Abraham and Isaac -- great example of Obedience
  • Obedience is the first law of heaven
  • Obedience brings strength and knowledge
  • When will we return home (home teacher story - the HT went from their home land in Germany to Hungry where the person they were assigned to teach lived there) -- When the work is done
  • Pay a full tithing so you are worthy before the Lord
  • Do not deviate from that which ye know is right
  • Follow thou me. Are we willing to obey

Song: Come Come ye Saints

Sunday Afternoon Session

Song: Come ye Children of the Lord
Song: Tell me the Stories of Jesus

Elder Jeffrey R. Holland
  • If thou canst believe, all things are possible
  • Lord I believe, help thou my unbelief
  • If you can no more but desire to believe let that desire work in your heart
  • Help 'us', 'we' are pleading
  • Strait way the man cries out 'Lord I believe, help thou my unbeliefe'
  • Hold the ground you have already won, even if that ground is limited
  • Hold fast to what you already know, and wait until further knowledge comes
  • The size of your faith is not the issue
  • Do not start your quest with what you don't have
  • Be true to the faith that you do have
  • Don't let your questions stand in the way of your faith
  • This is a divine work in process
  • What we know will always trump what we don't know
  • Be patience, kind, and forgiving
  • Do not be afraid to ask for help
  • God will send help from both sides of the vial
  • Be not afraid, only believe
  • Belief is the first step
  • Fan the flame of your faith
  • all things are possible to those who believe

Elder Dallin H. Oaks
  • All the messages from conference help us follow the Savior
  • Baptism is necessary in order to enter the kingdom of God
  • We must leave the traditions of men and keep the commandments
  • Do you love the praise of man more then the praise of God
  • Christ teachings are to be acted upon
  • Those who love the Savior will follow him and keep his commandments
  • Family Prayer should be done kneeling
  • Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thy self
  • When we are wronged by others we need to forgive them
  • As a disciple of Jesus Christ we have no other choice then to forgive others
  • In order to follow Christ we need to make sure we are paying a fast offering
  • If we come to the Father we are to receive all things

Christoffel Golden Jr.
  • Man is created in the image of God
  • God is ever near and interested in us
  • We are the children of our Heavenly Father
  • God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ are separate beings. This was a fantastic talk and one I will be sharing with others who questions wither or not the father and son are separate of the same. He had multiple examples from each book of scripture. (Bible and Book of Mormon and Modern Revelation). Very good talk.

Song: Now Let us Rejoice

Enrique R. Falabella
  • Home is the school of parenting
  • The temple is the place
  • In order to have contention you must have two people
    • make your goal to never be one of them
  • We need to live a celestial life
  • A child who sings is a happy child
  • I need you to hug me
    • love one another
  • Love the Book of Mormon and Jesus Christ
  • It is not enough to know the scriptures, we must live them

Erich W. Kopischke
side note before I start -- I've met him, and he was so kind, and soft spoken. Also his son was one of my MTC teachers. (very German)
  • Being accepted by others helps build us up - the best acceptance if from the Lord
  • Be willing to observe your covenants by making sacrifices
  • We know our motives and desires - are they in order with Gods will
  • A broken heart is soft, open, and willing
  • As we open our hearts we will be ready to hear
  • Know that our spirit is contrite
  • If we have a contrite spirit we are willing to be taught and change
  • Having the Holy Ghost as our continual companion is the number one way to know we are accepted by God
  • Seek the Lords acceptance

Bruce D. Porter
  • In the world you will have tribulation, but be of good cheer for I have over come the world
  • We need not fear the future for God is with us
  • Fear Not!
  • The Lord will stand with his church and his people
  • Find sanctuary in the stakes of Zion
  • Trials may come but if we trust in the Lord he will guide us
  • Always strive to be positive and happy

Elder D. Todd Christofferson
  • Ultimate redemption comes only through Jesus Christ
I'm sorry I don't have more notes with this one. It was a wonderful talk - I don't know what he said at the beginning but it triggered something and off I was writing down some things i needed to know in my journal. So sorry you didn't get more .

President Thomas S. Monson
I love that President Monson always starts and ends conference.
  • Study the conference talks
  • Serve in the cause of the Master
  • Be good citizens and good neighbors
  • Be aware of the needs of those around us
  • Extend a helping hand and a willing heart
  • If we put our trust in the Lord he will provide

Song: Lord Dismiss us with Thy Blessing

How sad - conference is over. I can't wait to get the ensign. I don't know if my heart was more prepared of if I just really needed this conference but I felt like it was WONDERFUL. I can't really put it into words but it was exactly what I needed and has filled my bucket. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.

Yours Truly,


Saturday, April 6, 2013

General Conference - Saturday April 6, 2013


I just love General Conference. I love being spiritually fed by the Spirit and hearing the words of the Lord through his servants. The sessions were wonderful today. Here are some of the notes I took. I can't wait for the Conference issue of the ensign to come out so I can study more in depth each talk. Hope you enjoy.

Yours Turly


Saturday - Morning Session

Song: Redeemer of Israel
Song: In hymns of Praise
  • Humbly bow before our Kind for ever more
  • Exsalt the name of the Lord with load acclaim

President Thomas S. Monson
  • Two new temples were announced 1. Rio de Jenero, Brazil and 2. Ceder City Utah
  • 65,634 full-time missionaries are out serving. 20,000 more have mission calls, and 6,000 are working on getting their papers in. How amazing the work of the Lord is
  • 58 new missions.....Please NOTE he said new mission, that's plus the however many we already had out there.
  • Contribute to the General Missionary funds of the Church. I believe every return Missionary should be contributing to this fund.

Song: Hark all Ye Nations
  • Truth is restored once more
  • Chosen by God (we are chosen to do the work of the Lord)
  • The gospel lights every land today (Every Land)

President Boyd K. Paker
  • When I was young I wasn't 68
  • We are meant to age because with it comes an understanding of the truth
  • We have no greater friend then the Savior (He is our friend)
  • We need to protect our homes and families
  • We find safety in living up to our covenants
  • If ye are prepared ye need not fear
  • Faith is a real power, not just an expression
  • You will do no greater work then that in your own home
  • Teach your families about the Holy Ghost & the Atonement
  • Everyone is accountable for their own sins
  • All are born with the light of Christ. How we use that light is part of the test of mortality
  • We need to be prepared and ready for revelation (once again I got the call to go to the temple)
  • Learn to receive and act on inspiration and revelation (I want to do better at this because I know there are thing I probably miss and lives I could have helped but I was to busy doing other things)
  • I KNOW he lives (President Paker Knows that the Lord lives he left no doubt of that)

Brother Dean M. Davies
  • Be built on a firm foundation
  • The foundation we should build on is Jesus Christ
  • Temples are built to sustain anything that comes against them -- we should be build that way
  • The plan of salvation and Principles of the gospel are what are used and needed to help us build the structure of our life
  • We must have a balance in our life. We can't just do one thing (read our scriptures) but not the other (pray)
  • Through prayer we submit to the will of the Lord
  • Prayer should become like breathing to us
  • Prayer needs to be sincere and personal
  • Worthily partake of the sacrament each week
  • The Holy Ghost brings all things to our remembrance (Jesus Christ)
  • Scripture reading should be unto us like food (substance for our spiritual bodies)
  • Real personal growth comes from daily prayer, scripture study and partaking of the sacrament weekly

Sister Elaine S. Dalton (who got released today - how sad)
  • we are daughters of an exalted King
  • Know who you are and build the kingdom
  • Stand in Holy Places and be not moved
  •  My part does matter
  • Our part matters because we matter
  • We are daughters of our Heavenly Father and He loves us
  • Be educated so you can be a contributor (I'm going to get more schooling -- I want to get my Event Planning Certificate and maybe work on a degree in Human Resources)
  • It is the mothers who directly influence their children
  • Stand as witnesses of God in all times and in all things and in all places
  • How you honor the priesthood, will be an example to others
  • Return to Virtue!
  • We are making a difference because we are different
  • Be proud to be a women
  • Let the priesthood bless your life
  • Act well your part

Song: Let Us All Press On
  • Hold the sword of truth
  • The Lord is on our side
  • If we do whats right we have no need to fear

Brother Craig A. Cardon
  • 'Thy sins are forgiven thee' ..... 'I say unto you arise and walk'
  • The Son of God forgives sins
    • upon earth not just at the final judgement
  • The Lord loves us and wants us to understand that He forgives
  • The lord does not limit forgiveness to the degree of the sin
  • The Savior wants to forgive
  • The Lord forgives those who confess and repent
  • The Lord allows for continual progression
  • By his strength (the Lords) we can do what we couldn't do before
  • People can change (I think this is a great concept, one I need to work on understanding and accepting)
  • See men not as they are but what they can become
  • I will be merciful unto your weakness
  • Pray always so that we do not fall into temptation
  • Holy, Holy is the Lord....Repent and live.
  • Remember and believe the words of the Lord

Elder M. Russell Ballard
  • The Power of the Priesthood is how the Heavens and earth were created
  • The Priesthood is how the Savior works
  • The Power of the Priesthood only comes when we are worthy of it
  • The man cannot fully exercise the Priesthood without the women
  • The Power of the Priesthood is to succor the needy, strengthen the feeble knees, lift the head of those that hang
  • Water and Light are needed to grow (The tomato plant)
  • The purpose of the priesthood is to bless, sanctify, and purify us
  • No matter our circumstances we can partake of the Priesthood
  • Watch the leadership training videos
  • If any man thirst let him come unto me
  • Turn more fully to the Savior
  • The work of Jesus Christ is accomplished through the Priesthood

Song: Faith (from the Primary Song book)
  • Faith is trusting God above

President Henry B. Eyring
  • Draw near unto me and I shall draw near unto you
  • In our service to the Lord, he will draw close to us 'or' As we serve the lord we come closer to him
  • I will encircle you in the arms of my love
  • Keeping the commandments brings us closer to the Lord
  • Why seek ye the living among the dead
  • The Savior walked with them
  • Did not our hearts burn within us as he spoke
  • Repentance and remission should be taught to all
  • Stand as a witness of God in all things, in all times, and in all places
  • We are under covenant to lift those in need and stand as witnesses of the Savior
  • I will go before you and will be on your right and on your left and my angles will bear you up (one of my favorite scriptures -- helped get me through a lot on my mission)
  • As we serve, the Lord will bless us
  • As we serve the Lord, he will draw closer to us and our families
  • Satan's purpose is to destroy our families
  • The Savior will draw close to you and bless you as you reach out to love and serve others
  • Our works shall follow us
  • Come unto me

Song: My Redeemer Lives

Saturday - Afternoon Session

Song: Jesus the very Thought of Thee
Song: Did you think to Pray
  • When life is hard the best thing to do is pray

Elder Richard G. Scott
  • The Lord, Jesus Christ should be the center of our homes
  • Center your home and life on Jesus Christ
  • Make sure every decision you make is what the Lord would have you do
  • Have daily personal and family prayer, scripture study, and FHE once a week
  • Apply gospel principles, don't skip on the little things
  • Satan's fate is already decided and he want to bring us with him
  • Stay on the Lords side and you will win every time
  • Don't waste your time on your technology devises
  • Just having them in your pocket will not protect you
  • Selfishness is the root of great evil
  • Do not hide your talents, share them freely
  • When we serve others we are given strength and power from God
  • Be a true friend
  • Trust in the Lord and his timing (always a very hard things to do)
  • acknowledge gods will in all things
  • set our burdens at the feet of the Savior - (I can't handle it all on my own, but the Lord says come and I will lift you.)
  • Always build on others virtues and talents
  • Strive to live worthy and put your trust in the Lord
  • Son step at a time will help us become more like the Savior
  • The Atonement of Jesus Christ is the source of peace

Elder Quentin L. Cook
  • The stakes of Zion are a refuge to the saints
  • Agency is essential to the plan of happiness
  • Peace comes by excepting the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ
  • He that doeth righteousness will receive peace
  • The Lords peace will build or heal our broken hearts, ease our burdens, and blot out our hate
  • Peace is found in focusing on the gospel of Jesus Christ
  • Those who reject God, do not/will not have peace
  • To believe in God is to know all the rules will be fair
  • 'Where can I turn for Peace' - the answer is to the Savior
  • Temples are a refuge for peace (once again I had the call to go to the temple)
  • In the world ye will have tribulations, but fear not for I have overcome the world

Song: Rejoice the Lord is King

Brother Stanley G. Ellis
  • The 70 are called to be messengers
  • If you don't plant you don't harvest
  • Do you want me to speak directly or with sugar
  • We believe in God the eternal Father and in His Son Jesus Christ and in the Holy Ghost
  • We are not alone
  • If we do things the Lords way we will be blessed
  • The Lord seeth not as man seeth, he sees the heart (that is such a blessing and comfort)
  • Truly the Lord knows best
  • Teach a man to fish, don't just give him fish
  • Bloom where you are planted
  • What happens in the home is more important then outside
  • Ask where can I serve
  • The Lord knows best how to help us
  • Do all we do in the Lords way

Brother John B. Dickson
  • Have great interest in knowing the Lord Jesus Christ
  • The gospel is available to all

Elder David A Bednar
  • We are all created in the image of God
  • There are lessons we must learn and things we must experience in the flesh
  • The Man and Women are meant to learn and grow from each other and with each other
  • The Spirit is willing but the flesh is weak
  • The natural man can be put off only through the Atonement of Jesus Christ
  • Sin is a spiritual wound -- healing comes from the Savior

Elder Russell M. Nelson
  • Now is your time to teach others
  • Cathc the Waive!!!
  • Be ready to give an answer to why you live the way you do
  • Contribute tot eh General Mission Fund
  • Through Gods eternal plan families can be together forever
  • The living God is a loving God
  • The Book or Mormon is in full harmony with the Bible

Song: More Holiness Give Me

San Antonio - Week 2


I'm sorry this has taken me so long to get to. I was really dedicated and working hard on my posts from San Antonio until I tried to add photos. It takes forever and a day to upload photos to a blog page. So I am still pushing away at getting this done but honestly will probably not have as much to say any more as it's been over a week since I've been home. I wrote down key points but you won't get any detail with it. SORRY

Week 2 in San Antonio. This was the AFPM 2013 International Petrochemical Conference or 'IPC13'. This meeting was crazy. It wasn't as busy as the last weeks Annual Meeting but it had more people there. 3000 plus. And they all were in business suites and ties and working the entire time. The point of this meeting is really for people to get together and network and they did. The lobby's of hotels were full and restaurants, anywhere you went you saw them and they were all doing business with each other.

I stayed in the same place as my last meeting which was nice other then at that point I was ready for my own shower and sheets. I the bathroom in the Marriott was so tinny. You had to walk in and close the door in order to use the toilet or get into the shower. I was surprised by it because the room was so big and then there was this very small bathroom. Well it did have the extra counter space and such which I loved.

I have four main points I want to share that deal with this meetings. As it wasn't as interesting as the last one but it had its weirdness all the same.

1. Military Dads

As all of you know I am a military child. I LOVE it. I does come with its ups and downs and makes me a bit crazy but I LOVE it. I was talking with this gentleman at the meeting and found out his son had just joined the Army. (GO ARMY!). I don't know why I asked, maybe it was the tone in his voice or just my military curiosity but I asked how he felt about it. His answer was amazing and of course teared me up. He said '1/2 of me is so proud I could just burst, the other 1/2 is scared to death'. I may be wrong but I think that is how every parent feels about their children joining the military. I was so happy though because you could just tell how happy was and how proud he was to have a son who was willing to serve our country. It was such an honor to meet him and shake his hand.
In my last post I mentioned that San Antonio has four based around it so I was seeing men in uniform the entire time and was AMAZING. I love it and am pretty much obsessed with it.
On my way home in the airport I got to witness another side of the military, one I've now been through twice. The airport was filled with families sending their loved ones off for Active Duty. For those of you who have loved ones who have served in the military you will know how this feels. For those of you who don't -- well the feeling is like the man said at the meeting half proud as anything, and the other half scared to death. These families are literally saying good bye. They don't know if their loved ones are going to come home again. They don't know if they will see there children again. They HOPE but they say there goodbyes all the same knowing that this might be it.
As I was checking in my bag there was a mother (in uniform) who was saying goodbye to her two daughters and her husband who was also military. Those little girls didn't want to let go. It was so sad. My heart went out to them. She was so brave and kept telling her girls how they were going to have a great summer and they she would be back before they knew it. She didn't cry until she got into the arms of her husband. The saddest thing is that he had already been deployed once and knew exactly what she was going into.
The second experience was as I was getting onto my flight. A dad was leaving - the rest of the family was flying to be with family so they were in the airport at the same time. This man had three little boys and little girl on the way. The wife cried and one of the little boys kept on saying 'it will be ok mommy'. The dad who was right in front of me to get on the flight was doing pretty well. He couldn't keep from looking back each step just to see them one last time. As we turned the corner in the tunnel he broke down sobbed. It was heart breaking.


I cried both times ok so pretty much through the whole airport as I saw loved ones saying goodbye and remembered that we had just said goodbye three months ago to my Dad.

2. Indian Man Drinking

So I had someone buy me my first drink every. I don't drink so you will understand how awkward this story is going to be. We as the staff went out to dinner on the riverwalk one night and all of meeting attendees were out as well. It was exciting to see everything and feel the energy of these people at night in San Antonio. Well we had to wait for a table for forty min. which we were told was actually not that long. As we were waiting, this waiter brought me this fruity looking drink. 'Mame your drink'...'I'm sorry I didn't order a drink'. He left and came back not two minutes later. 'Mame your drink'....'I didn't buy a drink, thank you.' 'Mame this is yours', where I then proceeded to tell him it wasn't and that I didn't drink. Where he responded as he shoved the glass into my hand, 'it was bought for you and now belongs to you.' I was shocked and he just walked off, leaving this fruity, alcholic drink in my hand. I quickly found the nearest waitress and returned the glass saying I was done. When we finally got a table that some waiter who brought me the drink was our server. I found out that this little Indian Man who was only three tables away had bought me the drink. The entire night he tried to get my attention. I wanted to die and all my coworkers were there. Embarrassing to say the least, but that's not all no before he left he came over to the table and gave me his number. He then showed up at the registration desk the next day and wanted to talk. I have a stocker! HELP. He lived in India so I won't have to worry about him until next year, as he informed me he attend every year.

3. President George W. Bush

Yes I met him and it was amazing. I was still young when he was president but I remember what his presidency meant and what happened while he was in office. They are things I will probably never forget. But I'm not going to get into that or the political side of it. I do want to share some things he said though because I thought they were inspiring and worth repeating.
  • You can't destroy Knowledge
  • We fight for freedom to bring about peace
  • Admit that you don't know what you don't know
I will admit he wasn't the greatest speaker and was a little surprised by that. Were as with Dr. Rice you were captured by every words she said.
I LOVE my job look at all the cool thing I do and the people I get to meet. It's amazing.

4. Sponsorship

We had forgotten to make a sign for our sponsors. It pretty much is just a way of saying thank you for sponsoring us and everyone get their logo on it. Well because we had forgotten and because 'well Jenessa is a communications major and took one class in graphics -- have her put together a sign and have it printed a FedEx or something. Oh and we need it in 20 min. no pressure. Yes that is pretty much how it went. Isn't that wonderful. Well it turned out ok and I was very proud of my work. I tried to fit the sign in my bag but it was to big.

oh ok so there are actually 5 points

5. The ALAMO

I went on the last day after we had packed everything up, we went and saw the Alamo. My team was really good at making sure that the entire two weeks we were there we walking on roads where I couldn't see it because they wanted it to be a surprise. So I understood that it was a fort, but was small. So in my mind I was thinking ok in Salzburg Austria I saw the fort on the hill so if this one is a small one it probably the size of a castle or a church or something along that line. I wasn't exactly expecting what I saw. It's like a house. Anyways it was interesting to see and next time I'm in San Antonio I will make time to tour it.

All in all it was a great two weeks but I was grateful to be home.

- I tried putting photos on this one as well but  two hours later I deceided it was just not worth it. Photos of my trip can be found on Facebook if you wish to see them.

Yours Truly,


San Antonio - Week 1


It feels like it's been forever since I last wrote. It's actually only been two weeks but they have been super crazy weeks. San Antonio was amazing. As I know writing about both weeks would make this post super long and nobody would ever read to the end I decided to split the post in two weeks. I hope you enjoy - and yes I did remember to upload the photos for those of you who have been asking. They can also be found on my facebook page.

Week 1 - AFPM 2013 Annual Meeting

I love TEXAS!! within the first three days of being her I had been asked out by multiple, let me say that again MULTIPLE cute guys. They all wanted to take me out for drink or take me home (awkward as I don't do either) but flattering that they asked. Two of these guys best friends were very persistent and came back multiple times. Finally one of them leaned over my counter and in a hushed tone asked 'Are you a Mormon?'. I proudly answered with a resounding yes and proud of it. He then went on to tell me how awesome he thought that was and was glad I was standing up for what I believed in. Then he said well you can still go out with me and I just wont have you drink. Oh boys - they will be boys.

This meeting is our second largest meeting. We have tons of people from all over the world come most from Canada, Mexico, Kuwait, and the USA. Registration was fun with that as some wanted to pay with travelers checks and others with cash. I had one person pay almost $2,000 all in 10s. Fresh 10s. I wanted to cry after the third time of counting them.
We had these bright orange bags that contained the program, attendee list, some extra stuff you know the usual items you get at any conference. I loved the orange bags I thought they brought life, color, and a bit of crazy happiness. I stuffed 2000 of those bags - It was great.
I love the registration counters as well. They say our company name on them AFPM in big letters I love it.

Don't you just love those orange bags.

I love my job. It's just great and I get to talk to a ton of people all day long and help them and be friendly its just the best job. I used to work at Seven Peaks and I think the reason I liked it so much was because I got to interact with so many people everyday. It's not like a desk job were you don't see anyone - which I like as well. BUT it's seeing people face to face and doing something for them. Even if it isn't that big or important.

My association (company) is really good to its employees. To prove it I'm going to show you were they put us to stay. This isn't even the nicest one I've stayed in since working for them.

 So I stayed at the Marriott Rivercenter. My room was a Jr. King Suite. Which was just amazing. It has the softest pillows and the bed was amazing. I may have just been super tired but I slept really good each night I was there.
Oh and the Marriott brought up this great cheese plate with crackers and fruit. It was there waiting for me in the fridge and it came with this note saying how happy they were to have me there and so on. I know that everyone probably gets the same note BUT my name was on it and it was spelled correctly which made me feel like I was special and cared for.

So I don't know how to rotate this photo but you get the picture right -- it has my name on it.

 Ok so that was the hotel. I tried to be good food wise while I was out there...even though I didn't do as great as I would like, I still did better than I would have had I done nothing. So we went walking outside in the nice 70 degrees and I also visited the Marriott gym a few times. I got some great photos of places we passed while on our walk. Most of the photos are things I felt like described Texas as I was getting it.

Its like Cinderella. I don't actually know the significance of this but they were everywhere.

San Antonio is so patriotic. Not to mention the  Red, White, and Blue you see everywhere. There are also four military based in the area so I was pretty much in heaven.

Old Theater.....apparently a lot of people from my office who have been going to San Antonio for our meetings for YEARS have seen some pretty famous people here.

I love the Church's around the city.

 And if San Antonio wasn't pretty enough....I was there over St. Patricks day. Everyone was drinking and having a great time. I didn't get into that but a lot of my co-workers had Green Beer.
Oh one of the unique things about San Antonio and St. Patricks day is that they dye the river green. I mean it was green green. It was so cool.

This band went around playing Irish folk songs on this boat. And on St. Patricks day they came to the hotel lobby and played it was fun.
Ok this is the last picture from week one that I'll share. We went to the San Antonio Sports Dome. It was beautiful. It is a dream of mine to attend live games of each sport. (Professional teams preferred but college can work as well). With March Madness going on while we were in San Antonio I was so hoping to get into the Stadium and see a game. Alas I was way to busy for that. Maybe next time.

So that was my first week in San Antonio -- I loved it and decided that if I didn't want to live in Washington D.C. anymore I would probably move down to Texas.

Ok so I finished this post and then remembered that I still needed to add one more thing. So with this meeting we had Dr. Condolizza Rice come as our main speaker. Oh my heaven she was amazing. My role model. I've always liked her but after meeting here and talking with her I want to be just like her one day. She is soooooo smart. As we were in the luncheon with her, she took questions and someone asked is she would marry him. She blushed and it was way cute. It was a joke well actually he might have really married her if she had said yes but anywho. It was amazing.

Yours Truly,


Thursday, March 14, 2013

March 14, 2013 - Heading to Texas


As you can tell I named this post a bit differently. I made it 8 days of writing consistently an then I missed my first day yesterday. I ended up getting home really late and had the worst headache ever. So I got right into bed and slept a good 5 hours. But I realized that there are some days i just might not be able to write so instead of doing days (day 1, day 2, etc...) I am going to put the date down and the main heading of that day. It just seemed like a smarter thing to do.

I procrastinated packing for my trip today until this morning. That's right, I hadn't packed one thing until 6am this morning. (My flight was at 10am) It went well, the only things I forgot that I know of at the moment were, deodorant, shampoo, and a razer. Not to bad though if I do say so myself.

My bag was overweight by 7 pounds at the airport. It was all the paper I was carrying from the office that we had forgotten to send in the boxes. If flying with Delta it cost you $90 if you are overweight, plus the $25 you pay just to get the bag on the plane. Can you believe that $90 I wanted to cry just hearing how much 7 pounds was going to cost me. Well I ended up putting it all in my carry-on and suffering through the back pain and shoulder pain instead of the mental pain of $90.

Let me tell you a little bit about Delta. They are the best!! They have the most flights they are always full. They get lots of money because they charge you for everything. Their planes have more leg room then others, and they usually have the best snakes. So they are the best. However with that said Delta has the snobbiest flight attendants out there. They are the type that know they are the best and just act like it. Customer services wise they are not the best. This is not just because I flew with them today and saw that. I have been flying with Delta for year, their the best remember. They weren't always this way actually when I first started flying I remember loving them. They would small, say hi and really care about you, when they talked with you they were funny and charming. They always wanted to make you happy, to make you feel like you were experiencing something great. Because flying is great practically impossible yet we do it. In the bast few years that has changed and now we get really snobby flight attendants who are just their to look good. It's really sad for Delta but good for other airlines because I start flying with them because they have better customer service - United is really nice.
Know that I've totally dissed Delta let me tell even though they are snobby they are the best looking group out there. Their red and blue outfits are so snazzy. Today one of my flight attendants had these big red glasses on that put his whole outfit together it was pretty sweet.

One of my petpieves is when you are going through the security check point and you get stuck behind some stupid person. I was behind one today. I was in and ready to walk through the check point before he even took off his coat. It was amazing how slow he was and he knew we were all waiting behind him but he wanted everything floded and set exactly right in his bins and it drove me crazy. So once we got through i grabbed my stuff and was gone before he even had collected his bins. Don't every be a stupid person at the security check point. It the same thing ever time just be prepared and do it quickly.

My flight flew right over DC as we were leaving and when I say right over I do mean literally. I had the best tour of DC since being here while on the plane. We were flying really low which I don't think is usual but we did. I literally could see my office building. So yes I did wave at everyone there and the women next to my laughed but it's ok. Office you should feel loved.
From the plane I also got the best view of the Washington DC Temple. OH my heavens it was amazing. And as beautiful as ever. This is one of the things I miss about taking the train from West Virginia in to the office. The train passes the temple everyday and you get a very clear view of it on the beltway. I loved seeing it ever morning and night as I would head home from work. Even just seeing it brings the spirit and them you are thinking about it there on out it's pretty amazing.

I have how they do airplane seat belts. I feel like they are not meant to be comfortable but just there to say that we have a seatbelt on. I always have to stretch it out to the end in order to have it fit. But today I didn't have to put it all the way out. It was still stretched pretty far but not all the way. One day I am gong to sit in an airplane and not have to worry about the seatbelt fitting around me because I will be small enough that it won't matter wherever I go. One day!

I hate the saying that 'Nothing taste as good as skinny feels'. While I was in Atlanta waiting for my connecting flight I could think and smell a whole lot of things that would taste so much better right than, than skinny felt.

Lets talk about Carnival Cruises for a miniute. So about a month ago Carnival had a cruise ship that got stranded out in the ocean. People were stuck on it for days and they finially flew everyone home or something like that. I didn't really pay much attending to it. Well yesterday it happened again. A Carnival Cruise line was on the news and had some big problems this time. The electrical system or something had stopped working. The biggest thing on the news was that 1. the toilets on the ship were clogged up and actually overflowing. Their was human waste all over the place. The 2nd thing was that they were at a port but would not let the people off even with the bad conditions. Well they are now trying to fly everyone home from this port and it's been crazy. To bad for Carnival as they have made the news twice in two months and it hasn't been a good thing. Makes you rethink about going on a cruise anytime soon.

Oh my heavens I love Texas. I just love it. And San Antonio is great. It's actually quit pretty. Their is the riverwalk which is right outside my window. There is a huge mall, I mean huge!! There are churches all over the place and the Alamo is here. I am sooooooo excited. AND to top everything off it was 75 degrees as landed. So warm and sunny. I am going to LOVE this trip.

The Marriott hotel is were I am staying and it is pretty amazing. I have a junior suite or something like that so the room is huge. I have a fridge and so much space it's lovely. I'll have to upload photos when I get back home so you all can see. I have posted them on Facebook if anyone can't wait that long to see them.

Last thing before I head off to bed. The food - of course we need to talk about food. We went out on the river-walk and to this restaurant right by the water. I got coconut shrimp. I'm not a big shrimp eater but it was their best seller so why not. IT WAS AMAZING. I am pretty sure I will blow my diet while out here but will eat really well.

It was a very eventful day but I've been traveling for 11 hours and my tummy is full. So off to bed it is so that I can get up early in the morning and do emails.

Yours Truly,


Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Day 8


My brother is in my apartment --- which means I am not going to get anything done tonight. Not a good thing as I have so much to do. I guess I could blog that's what I'll do yea and then when he wears down and sleeps I'll start work. YEAH right!!!!! I'm going to try to work, wish me luck.

This morning I read about the three Nephites. Everyone has their three nephite stories and how they have been helped and such. I don't have any story like that. I learned today that Satan can't tempt the three nephites. Isn't that amazing?

My companion is in town - HOW cool is that.

One more day until I leave for Texas. I am soooooo excited.

Yours Truly,


Monday, March 11, 2013

Day 7


Today has probably been the busiest day I've had since I can remember. I love being busy but sometimes there is an overabundance, and I'm not sure how I feel about that.

It took me 2 hours to get into the office this morning. I was at the metro stop bright and early 5:45am. I wanted to be in early as I had so much to do today. Well I didn't get into the office until 7:30am. It was very frustrating - but on the bright side I was able to get a lot of scripture reading done.

Today was the first day since I started my diet at the beginning of the year that someone who didn't know I was on one mentioned how good I was looking. I work with this women and I think she is gorgeous. I literally want to look like her. Well as we were passing in the hall we said good morning as we passed. She then turned around and came right up to me. 'Jenessa, I just want to let you know, you are looking really good these days.' Maybe it was because I was a slob before - I don't know but she said I mean you are looking really good. I took it as well she might not know that's I've lost 15 pounds or am down 3 dress sizes but she notices that I am looking good which is great. It could have also been because I put some lip gloss on today. Take it as you well, I felt pretty good.

I had 20 message on my phone today. I was in the supply room packing most of the day so I missed a lot of calls. BUT I called everyone back and was able to help them before I left the office. It made me feel like the Hero.
Even with that said I have brought work home to do as I have to finish invoicing, emails, and inputting data before I can go to bed. I'm procrastinating a bit by writing instead of working. I love my job and how busy I am but man today has been really busy and I am just tired and want to sleep for 12 hours. Wouldn't that be nice.

I went Visiting Teaching -- the we taught was sooooo cool. She reminds me of my cousin Cam who just got married. This sister has just turned 20 and is engaged to this charming guy. The date is June 26th or maybe it was July of those. She is sooo excited. We got to see the ring, the dress, the bridesmaid dresses, the flowers, it was so much fun. I was a bit surprised at how it went tonight because in Church I have always seen her as quite and kind of in the background but today when we arrived wow she was so cool and talked with us and laughed and enjoyed the whole thing, it wasn't awkward at all. I just love VISITING TEACHING.
And my companion, I know I said it yesterday but she is just soooo great. I have been so very blessed.

I went to my first Family Home Evening (FHE) since moving out here. It was good. Interesting, but good. I got to meet a lot of new people. I also learned that the whole UTAH and BYU rivalry is alive and out there. I'd be in trouble if I felt that way at all as one of my Best friends went to the 'U'. And even more then that, I almost did my graduate program there. Taking off the blue and putting on the red, but I didn't end up doing that.

Lets talk about Captain Planet for a minute. I never watched this show on TV growing up but apparently it was my generations thing. Everyone in my FHE group knew about it and loved it. I was actually surprised by how much they knew or wanted to know about it. What was sooo great about Captain Planet. I didn't stay long after that as I had another appointment but it was fun to see how excited everyone especially the brethren got about this show.

So know that I've put laundry in, eaten dinner, and gotten in my PJ's I should probably get to work so that I can get to bed at some point tonight.

Yours Truly,


Sunday, March 10, 2013

Day 6


It's interesting how things all fall together. I've been thinking a lot about the one and the priesthood. And today in Church one of the talks just tied everything together for me. It was so interesting. Here are some of the key points I took from his talk. First off his talk was on covenants and it was really, good. All the speakers did a really good job today it was a wonderful sacrament meeting. Ok so his points:
  • Be known as a covenant maker. I don't know there is much else to add to that it's very clear. I want to be known as a covenant maker and a covenant keeper.
  • We can't make any covenants on our own. Most if not all covenants are made through the priesthood. Blessings, Baptism, Temple work, Marriage.
  • Covenants are made on an individual basis - one by one.
Yesterday in my blessing that I needed to prepare myself to receive revelation the Lord had for me. First off what a great thing to hear from the Lord. He has things he wants to tell me to reveal to me and I need to be ready -- how cool. But today in this brothers talk he mentioned that we received revelation in the temple. It hit me right there in Sacrament meeting exactly what I needed to do in order to help me be open and prepared for revelation ---- 'Jenessa, go to the temple!!!' clears as day.

I met with one of the Bishopric today in order to get set apart in my calling as a member of the compassionate service committee in my Relief Society. I've had a hard time moving into this ward. I don't know why as I didn't really know anyone from the other ward really well and I've moved tons of times and come into new wards and it's been just fine. I think I felt like I was finally in a place where I could start getting to know people and my calling as a Visiting Teaching Coordinator was falling into place and I was loving it. So this change has just seemed a bit harder than normal. Anyways back to the Bishopric member. I needed to get set apart and he was already late for PPC but decided to do it anyways. Instead of just coming in and doing the setting apart he sat and talked with me for about 15 min. He asked me what my concerns were with my calling, what I was doing out here, where I was from and so on. I think it was the first time since I've been out here that someone has actually cared how I felt and what I was actually doing. He didn't rush it at all --- it was just what I needed. I needed someone to care. To understand that I'm just not another member of the church. He ended up missing all of PPC, which is really sad but today he helped the one and I am very grateful for it.

I have the most wonderful Visiting Teaching companion. She is AMAZING!!! And she views and does visiting teaching like I a missionary. Today was set up our appointments for the week to visit our sisters and then we had comp. study. For those of you who served mission you will understand that comp. study is very important and it helps in planning out your lessons. Well we did it just like we did on our missions and it was wonderful. Just WONDERFUL!!!!

On the topic of Visiting Teaching. I have never ever been visit taught my entire life. It's kind of bugged me just because it made me feel that my Visiting Teachers didn't care for him. Well today in Church my Visiting Teacher found me, introduced themselves, and set up an appointment to come and see me. How cool is that. They seem like really sweet women and I am so excited to get to know them better.

I can't believe it's like mid-march. I am going to be in Texas for the rest of the month so today while planning I was planning for April. Can you believe that --- time really does fly. I need to learn how to live more in the moment so that I don't miss anything.

Yours Truly,


Saturday, March 9, 2013

Day 5


When you have so much to say but can't find the words or the desire to say them........that's where I am.

I am so blessed. Life can sometimes be hard and very stressful but I am so blessed, because I have the gospel of Jesus Christ in my life. Looking back on the events of today and the tender mercies I was given, I wonderful what would my life be like if I didn't have the gospel in it.

A friend of mine has gone through a whole lot in her life. Things that no one should have to suffer, but she has, and she is still struggling today. BUT she pushes forward with hope and confidence. Always asking the Lord for help and guidance in what she should be doing. Her faith is inspiring.
Satan (the devil) works so hard to bring us down. He wants those with faith and hope to feel useless, unwanted, alone, afraid, sad, angry, confused. It is when you are doing everything you can to follow Christ and do what God would have you do, that is when he Satan comes the hardest. He brings everything he has because it wants us to stray from the path. He wants to shake our faith!!!
The things is --- his power is nothing compared to that of the Saviors. It's not even close. Yes we will suffer, and struggle and sometimes we might even fall. BUT the Savior is always there to pick us back up.

The power of the priesthood is real. I experienced it today. That same priesthood that Christ gave to his apostles. It's on the earth in these latter-days and I got to experience the power of it today.
I have a really hard time asking for priesthood blessings. I don't know many brethren I trust enough to give me a blessing and if I really need one I'm to scared and prideful to ask for one. Today I was standing in the room with someone and had this overwhelming feeling to ask for a blessing. I have needed one for a long time, but with my Dad being gone, my lack of caring home teachers, and a new bishop, you know the rest I haven't gotten one. Today I was standing in this room and I just felt...................Safe, i guess is the word. I don't know what it was but my mouth just opened and there I was asking for a blessing. This says a lot about the priesthood holder in the room as I was comfortable enough with him and trusted him to be the mouth piece of the Lord.
The Lord truly knows us. He knew everything I needed to hear. My fears, my pain, my sorrow...he knew it all. And I don't tell people how I really feel - EVER because I like to be strong to be there for others even when it hurts inside. BUT the Lord I can't hide it from him. We are so blessed to have the priesthood on the earth today. So Blessed.


I picked up my dry cleaning - well actually it was three pairs of pants that I had taken in. It cost me an arm and a leg. Oh my heavens I could have gone out and bought new pants for what I paid to have them tailored. I think I may have been ripped off.

The dollar store is one of those stores I go into thinking oh it's the dollar store I'm going to come out saving so much money and I'm sure I would if I didn't think i could just buy everything in the store because 'well it's a dollar, big wooop'. BUT a dollar adds up and sometimes really fast. Even knowing that probably won't stop me from shopping there, it's a bit addicting. Now if they would create a dollar post office that way i could send of the cool stuff I buy for cheap instead of having to scrimp and save in order to send things.

I decorated a bit in my apartment for St. Patricks day which is coming up soon. It wasn't much but it's put me in the mood. I'm going to be out of town for it but I hear that where I'm going they turn the river green in celebration of St. Patty's Day. I am so EXCITED -- I'll have to remember to take pictures.

Yours Truly,


Friday, March 8, 2013

Day 4


I heard one of the most beautiful sounds tonight. The best words to describe it was like 'hearing the angles of heaven'. So I was at the Kennedy Center tonight and went to a Choir performance by the Danish girls Choir. They were amazing. It's the best thing I've seen so far at the Kennedy Center and it really sound awesome.
I am so grateful for people who share their musical abilities with others. I will admit that my harp has sat ideal for a while know and I haven't touched a piano in over a month. The most musically inclined I get these days is singing aloud in my apartment. I have been blessed with great musical talents and I need to start working on them and using them again or I am going to loose them.

I received a letter from a Missionary that I had written or have been writing. --------- ok so I don't know what I really wanted to say to this or how to lead in to it so here it just is. In the Scriptures we hear a lot of the Lord taking care of the one. One of my favorite verses in scriptures come from 3 Nephi when the Lord lets the people come one by one and feel the nail prints in his hands and feet. What that must have been like, having the Savior look at your in the eyes read your very soul. To know that he KNEW you, knew who you were, know your fears, your joys, your deepest desires. I can only imagine.
The one - it makes me think harder on how often I take the time just for the one. To stop and help the one person who may need it most. Sometimes I find myself going well how can I help the sisters, or how can I help the ward, how can I help my coworkers. When I should be going, how can I help Karen today. Or how can ease Tammy's burden. What can I do for Tom because he is sick.
If you are reading this - (the three of you who actually view my blog) stop and think of someone you know who may need some extra help. Now make a goal that today, you are going to help 'them' not their family or the class they are in but them specifically. It could be something as small as texting them (though this is a nice thing it may be impersonal) but what ever it is that you can give. Give it to that one person. Let them know that you care. That you are there. That you know them.

I was in a suite today and realized as I sat in a meeting at work that my office even though we come dressed nicely it is more business casual then it is business dress. I felt like I was higher on the food chain then I really am. I guess it goes to prove that if you dress the part you eventually become the part. Something like that.

What is it that I really want in life?

Yours Truly,


Thursday, March 7, 2013

Day 3


I found out the best time to ride the metro today. About 6:10am all the military people head into work, which means the metro if full of guys in uniform. I know it's crazy but I will probably make it a point to go in early more often.

With the most important conference of my organization coming up in the next two weeks everything at the office has really picked up. It's been really busy and I am working a lot of hours. It's nice as I'm thinking of what I'll do with the extra money I get. Like final get the bicycle I've been putting off to get. And also maybe get a GPS thingy for the car. I know most of it will go towards my summer vacation in Disney World and my Christmas trip to Europe, but it's fun to think of what I might get or what i could get with the extra cash.

I HATE stupid questions. I know that sounds really harsh. I am learning the importance of asking questions and also being able to figure things out on your own. I had someone on the phone ask me what the number for a hotel was. Like I know -- I live in DC the hotel is in Texas. I work for AFPM not for the Marriott. Why would I know that answer. So I put up my web browser and search for the number while they are on the phone. OK honestly I probably have done this to someone before. You can believe that next time I'll really think before I ask. The worst is when they email you that question. Oh what is the number for the Marriott in Texas? I don't know let me take the time to look it up for you because you are going to wait almost half the day to hear back from me because your email is just not the number one priority on my list. An it would have taken what at most 5 min. to look it.
Sorry -- I just found it a bit frustrating today to have those types of questions when I had 85 emails in just one of the 10 email boxes I'm in charge of.

The office started early today. Everyone was there at least 30 minutes before they usually show up. I think with the snow day yesterday everyone was feeling the pressure to get back in and rolling today. I know I was and that's why I was there so early. But it looks like I'm going to need to be in there early again tomorrow as I only have 4 more work days before I leave for the meeting but about 4 weeks worth of things to do before then.

My flowers died today. I don't know why it's so sad but it really is. The apartment seems to have lost some of it's life. It seems cold and dark again. I didn't realize how much a live plant does for a room. I don't think I could ever to plants in the apartment like greenery but flowers I can do. It's one of the few things my husband will have to do -- provide flowers. It will have to be worked into his budget and I don't care if they are always the same. I found that the way to my heart is through flowers, it's somewhat really simple but true.

Yours Truly,


Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Day 2


I can't believe it snowed! When I woke up it was just a bit wet and I though 'oh ya just another one of those days where everyone has freaked out but nothing really is going to happen'. Well that was until I saw the huge snow we ended up getting for a while. Nothing really stuck that much but it was fun to see it.

I went to the chiropractor this morning which was actually really nice. It's not as busy in the mornings and everyone is so friendly. They are open rain or shine so even though we had the snow coming the office was still open. I had some stim and ultrasound done on my arm and I got adjusted. I like being adjusted. I can move afterwards and not worry about a slight pain in my shoulder or lower back. The stim is fine when done on my back but it hurts when done on my arm and only get to a lever two. The guy sitting next to me was like on a 12 or something - I'm a wimp I know. The ultrasound hurts like no other but my arm always feels so much better the day after we do the ultrasound. Dr. Brown always puts this gel stuff on my arm before doing the ultrasound and it is kind of like vapor rub and I smelt like it all day today. But my arm is doing much better even tonight then it was before I went in. I'm down to once a week know and am healing nicely so no worries these days.

My Mum shared this thought with me today (well a few days ago but I finally got to the email today)

Time flies on wings of lightening;
 we cannot call it back
 It comes, then passes forward
 Along its onward track.

 And if we are not mindful,
 The chance will fade away;
 For life is quick in passing.
 "Tis as a single day."

It made me think, how many times in a day to I miss the opportunity to do something kind or say something to brighten someones day. Time does fly by and fast. I need to do better on not missing on the small and simple (wink wink to my blog name) things I can do to help someone else. Or even do something new.

Rebekah (little sister) asked me today, 'so have you been on any dates lately?' My reply was of course not. which then she exasperatedly said 'YOU NEED TO GET ON A DATE. What is wrong with all those guys. Go and get yourself on a date.' Oh how you love younger sisters aren't they just wonderful.

Working from home today was, well eventful. The email had a hard time working, the system crashed, and then the computer froze. It makes it a bit difficult to work from home when that happens. It made me grateful for an office. And to have the tech guy sitting in the desk next to me. I'll be happy for tomorrow and sitting back at my desk. I have learned and this was not just today but a few months I've been learning it, but I learned that I really like to keep my work and then my personal life very separate. When I come home i don't like to still have to work. I don't like worrying about work or thinking about what I have to still do. I just like to leave it at the office and come home.
When I think back on my school days I can't remember if I was like this or not. I know I always worried about projects and homework but I do remember coming home and after a certain point it was my time. I would go and watch Psych or NCIS and not worry about the projects or anything else.
I guess we all have to learn how to live a balanced life. To say this is work and then this is not. Or live with mixing them together. I think its something special when a father can come home at night and focus on his family and not worry about work. I always loved that about my Dad. I don't think I remember him working when he got home at night. I remember him watching movies and playing games with us. I admired that.

Yours Truly,
