Saturday, April 6, 2013

San Antonio - Week 1


It feels like it's been forever since I last wrote. It's actually only been two weeks but they have been super crazy weeks. San Antonio was amazing. As I know writing about both weeks would make this post super long and nobody would ever read to the end I decided to split the post in two weeks. I hope you enjoy - and yes I did remember to upload the photos for those of you who have been asking. They can also be found on my facebook page.

Week 1 - AFPM 2013 Annual Meeting

I love TEXAS!! within the first three days of being her I had been asked out by multiple, let me say that again MULTIPLE cute guys. They all wanted to take me out for drink or take me home (awkward as I don't do either) but flattering that they asked. Two of these guys best friends were very persistent and came back multiple times. Finally one of them leaned over my counter and in a hushed tone asked 'Are you a Mormon?'. I proudly answered with a resounding yes and proud of it. He then went on to tell me how awesome he thought that was and was glad I was standing up for what I believed in. Then he said well you can still go out with me and I just wont have you drink. Oh boys - they will be boys.

This meeting is our second largest meeting. We have tons of people from all over the world come most from Canada, Mexico, Kuwait, and the USA. Registration was fun with that as some wanted to pay with travelers checks and others with cash. I had one person pay almost $2,000 all in 10s. Fresh 10s. I wanted to cry after the third time of counting them.
We had these bright orange bags that contained the program, attendee list, some extra stuff you know the usual items you get at any conference. I loved the orange bags I thought they brought life, color, and a bit of crazy happiness. I stuffed 2000 of those bags - It was great.
I love the registration counters as well. They say our company name on them AFPM in big letters I love it.

Don't you just love those orange bags.

I love my job. It's just great and I get to talk to a ton of people all day long and help them and be friendly its just the best job. I used to work at Seven Peaks and I think the reason I liked it so much was because I got to interact with so many people everyday. It's not like a desk job were you don't see anyone - which I like as well. BUT it's seeing people face to face and doing something for them. Even if it isn't that big or important.

My association (company) is really good to its employees. To prove it I'm going to show you were they put us to stay. This isn't even the nicest one I've stayed in since working for them.

 So I stayed at the Marriott Rivercenter. My room was a Jr. King Suite. Which was just amazing. It has the softest pillows and the bed was amazing. I may have just been super tired but I slept really good each night I was there.
Oh and the Marriott brought up this great cheese plate with crackers and fruit. It was there waiting for me in the fridge and it came with this note saying how happy they were to have me there and so on. I know that everyone probably gets the same note BUT my name was on it and it was spelled correctly which made me feel like I was special and cared for.

So I don't know how to rotate this photo but you get the picture right -- it has my name on it.

 Ok so that was the hotel. I tried to be good food wise while I was out there...even though I didn't do as great as I would like, I still did better than I would have had I done nothing. So we went walking outside in the nice 70 degrees and I also visited the Marriott gym a few times. I got some great photos of places we passed while on our walk. Most of the photos are things I felt like described Texas as I was getting it.

Its like Cinderella. I don't actually know the significance of this but they were everywhere.

San Antonio is so patriotic. Not to mention the  Red, White, and Blue you see everywhere. There are also four military based in the area so I was pretty much in heaven.

Old Theater.....apparently a lot of people from my office who have been going to San Antonio for our meetings for YEARS have seen some pretty famous people here.

I love the Church's around the city.

 And if San Antonio wasn't pretty enough....I was there over St. Patricks day. Everyone was drinking and having a great time. I didn't get into that but a lot of my co-workers had Green Beer.
Oh one of the unique things about San Antonio and St. Patricks day is that they dye the river green. I mean it was green green. It was so cool.

This band went around playing Irish folk songs on this boat. And on St. Patricks day they came to the hotel lobby and played it was fun.
Ok this is the last picture from week one that I'll share. We went to the San Antonio Sports Dome. It was beautiful. It is a dream of mine to attend live games of each sport. (Professional teams preferred but college can work as well). With March Madness going on while we were in San Antonio I was so hoping to get into the Stadium and see a game. Alas I was way to busy for that. Maybe next time.

So that was my first week in San Antonio -- I loved it and decided that if I didn't want to live in Washington D.C. anymore I would probably move down to Texas.

Ok so I finished this post and then remembered that I still needed to add one more thing. So with this meeting we had Dr. Condolizza Rice come as our main speaker. Oh my heaven she was amazing. My role model. I've always liked her but after meeting here and talking with her I want to be just like her one day. She is soooooo smart. As we were in the luncheon with her, she took questions and someone asked is she would marry him. She blushed and it was way cute. It was a joke well actually he might have really married her if she had said yes but anywho. It was amazing.

Yours Truly,


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